Hannah Vormbrock

Psychotherapist - private practice

I am specialised in CBT (Cognitive behavioural therapy) and offer supportive psychotherapy and counselling in English at my private practice in Berlin Friedrichshain. 

Private insurance, private pay and cost reimbursement (for public health insurance). 



Private pay

 My fees are 139,89€ per session (50 minutes) as defined in the current “Gebührenordnung für Psychotherapeuten und Ärzte” (GOP) (3,2-fold rate).

Private insurance

 Depending on your individual contract, the costs for psychotherapy are partially covered by the private health insurance. Please find out about the conditions specified in your contract and make sure to check how many sessions are covered per year.


Public health insurance / Cost reimbursement

Therapy in a private practice can only be covered by the public health insurances, if you apply for cost reimbursement and proof that none of their registered therapists can offer a therapy spot for you soon enough (within 3 months). 

Contact me

My practice is located in Voigtstraße 31 A, 10247 Berlin.  

Do not hesitate to contact me via phone ((0049) 176-215 216 16) or email ([email protected]) if you have any questions or like to make an appointment. 


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